Inogen Oxygen Education Blog

Pulse Dose Oxygen Delivery
Oxygen flow diagram showing oxygen flowing to the lung

Portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) are devices developed in response to demand for a lightweight, portable source of supplemental oxygen.[1] Pulse dose delivery allows concentrators to deliver medical grade oxygen all day, every day while remaining convenient to carry. Is Pulse Dose a More Efficient Form of Oxygen Delivery? To understand the mechanics of pulse dose […]

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Pulse Oximetry & Oxygen Saturation: What Oxygen Therapy Users Need to Know
Pulse Oximeter being used by a nurse on a patient

A pulse oximeter is a handy medical device that uses two frequencies of light – red and infrared – to determine the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood that is saturated with oxygen, otherwise known as your oxygen saturation level (O2 sat level).[1] If you have ever been in a doctor’s office and heard your […]

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  1. Leader, “Understanding Oxygen Saturation.” Verywell Health, About, Inc., 7 May 2020,

10 Tips for Oxygen Safety in the Home
Oxygen Regulator, Tank Mount, w/DISS 1240 Fitting

Home oxygen safety is one of the most important aspects of oxygen therapy, whether you choose an oxygen concentrator, oxygen cylinders or a liquid oxygen system as your oxygen supply source. Although oxygen is a safe, non-flammable gas, it does support combustion,[1] meaning things burn more readily and ignite easier in its presence.[2] As such, you […]

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Acute vs. Chronic Bronchitis: Understanding the Differences
Chest pressure

Bronchitis is a respiratory illness that causes inflammation of the tubes that carry air to the lungs—also known as the airways or bronchial tubes. When the airways become irritated, swollen and inflamed, less air is able to travel to and from the lungs and mucus begins to form in them. This generally causes an irritating cough […]

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  1. WebMD. Understanding Bronchitis – the Basics. Reviewed at May 7, 2013. Bronchitis (Acute and Chronic): Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment (

Oxygen Concentrator vs. Nebulizer Machine

Many people with COPD and other respiratory diseases or illnesses have to use both oxygen concentrators and nebulizers in the management of their disease. However, if these medical devices have been prescribed to you for the first time, you might not understand the difference between the two. Learn the difference between an oxygen concentrator and […]

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How to Exercise with an O2 Concentrator

Many people with breathing difficulties learn about the benefits of exercise after seeing their doctor or beginning pulmonary rehabilitation. Exercise gets your heart pumping and increases your breathing rate, which means increased circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the body. This can help your body with oxygenation of the tissues and, the better shape your muscles […]

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5 Steps to Qualifying for Home Oxygen Therapy

If you think you have a health condition that would benefit from oxygen therapy and you are interested in getting oxygen at home, talk to your doctor about whether you meet the criteria for oxygen therapy. Ask about options for supplemental oxygen for home use, about home O2 requirements and anything else you need to […]

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